Our Services
We pride ourselves on the quality of our service and our highly competitive prices. Available 7 days a week, our glazing technicians make sure your vehicle windscreen, side and rear windows are all structurally sound, safe and roadworthy. We always let you know when we’re on our way and will update you after the repair has been completed.
If your windscreen becomes chipped or damaged, it is important that you have it repaired immediately. If left too long, the chip can soon start to crack and begin spreading across the rest of the windscreen. Damaged glass in any type of vehicle will also result in an MOT failure. With this in mind, it is vital that the glass is professionally treated and repaired to avoid substantial costs in the future.
At First 4 Glass, our technicians will arrive punctually to repair the chip / crack in your windscreen. By having the chip repaired and significantly reduced in size, the structural integrity of the windscreen will be restored and will prevent the glass from cracking beyond repair.
First 4 Glass offers a fully mobile service 7 days a week. We are specialists at repairing and replacing windscreens, bodyglass and servicing your air conditioning to make those warm journeys more comfortable.
Our technicians are able to work aorund you, whether you need the job doing whilst you're in work, at home or on holiday, we are sure to always find a suitable time and place to provide our professional and reliable service.
On the day your job is booked to be completed, we text you in the morning to provide a time slot for when we expect to be with you.
We operate in Cheshire, Merseyside, North Wales and Wirral.
Your car's air conditioning does much more than just cool the inside of your car. When working properly, air conditioning helps to filter out pollen, pollutants and any airborne bacteria that may be present, greatly improving the quality of air inside your vehicle.
So, keep your car cool in the summer and your windows demisted in the winter with an Air Con Service from First 4 Glass.
We are proud to announce that First 4 Glass are one of few companies to be able to offer air conditioning services on cars using the new R1234YF gas as well the traditional R134A.
Windscreen Replacement
Mobile Service
Air Conditioning